PURE In A Nutshell!

Do not miss the 1st episode of  #PURE_project In A Nutshell! https://pure-fetopen.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/PURE-The-importance-of-biopharmaceuticals-today-1.mp4

PURE Leaflet

#PURE_project is developing novel purification adsorbents designed to make the purification of biological drugs more sustainable and cost-effective. Curious? See more on our Leaflet

35th International Symposium on Preparative and Process Chromatography – 15th – 18th May, Baltimore

PhD Student Alexander Zollner from BOKU participated in the 35th International Symposium on Preparative and Process Chromatography, Baltimore, MD, USA,  15th-18th May 2022. On May 18th, Alexander Zollner presented “Heparin Affinity Chromatography as platform process for separation of structurally different enveloped virus-Like Particles”.

Workshop under PURE Project (FET-Open) in Bayreuth

In early May, Margarida Dias, Henrique Costa, Carlos Costa, Catarina Domingos, Claudia Lacombe and Alexander Zollner visited Bayreuth University under the scope of the PURE project for a workshop. http://fiberlab.de/